Friday, May 30, 2008


This is a topographic (topo) map of a Wilderness Nature Trail in Lockport, New York. The 112-acre nature preserve boundaries are shown by a white outline and the map is rotated with south at the top. Topo maps generally reflect great detail including natural and man-made features and show relief in some measurable form. The curvy brown lines represent contours indicating the elevation in feet above see level at five foot intervals. You can see that there is a dashed black line illustrating an unimproved road going into the preserve and a creek is evident by the wavy blue-green line. The terrain varies greatly and where the contour lines get close it indicates a steep slope or drastic change in elevation. The small light blue shape to the left of the entrance road is a lake or wetland area. These maps are fantastic if you are looking for detail and want to really study the landscape. Our trail club uses local topo maps in the beginning stages of trail layouts to avoid the abundant wetlands and swamps in our area and to practice proper trail design.

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